
You don’t have to be a current AWIS DC member to attend some of our programs. Sign up for our next event and stop by our welcome table to get more information about joining our chapter.

Event Information:

  • Wed

    AWIS Annual Mentoring Workshop

    5:30 pmNIH campus-Natcher Cafeteria

    The Association for Women in Science (AWIS) Bethesda chapter together with AWIS DC is hosting the annual Mentoring Workshop to provide junior scientists with the opportunity to receive advice on career paths and career development from more senior scientists in their respective fields. 

    Please RSVP by Friday, May 8th. This event requires a $5 donation for members and a $10 donation for nonmembers, which can be made via PayPal, as a registration fee. Payments can be made by credit card or Paypal account.