
You don’t have to be a current AWIS DC member to attend some of our programs. Sign up for our next event and stop by our welcome table to get more information about joining our chapter.

Event Information:

  • Wed

    "The Well-Spoken Woman" by Speech Coach and Author Christine Jahnke

    6:30 pmAAAS Building
    Express your ideas with confidence.

    In her new book, "The Well-Spoken Woman," speech coach Chris Jahnke of Positive Communications, shares behind-the-scenes tips on speaking, messaging, and even appearance to help all women express their ideas with confidence. AWIS DC is fortunate to host an evening public speaking workshop with Chris Jahnke at AAAS on Wednesday, April 25 at 6:30. 

    Over the past 20 years, Chris Jahnke has helped people from all walks of life stand and deliver before audiences large and small. A Washington, D.C.-based speech coach, Chris prepped First Lady Michelle Obama for her International Olympic Committee speech and Al Franken for his U.S. Senate debates.


    A political communications specialist, Chris has coached more women candidates and elected officials than any other trainer. She was an advisor to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and every four years Chris is backstage at the Democratic National Convention, helping dozens of party leaders, celebrities, and real people look good on TV.


    Chris has worked with women CEOs at companies as diverse as the National Geographic Channel to NASCAR. She provides strategic message development to leading nonprofits including: The Annie E. Casey Foundation; Cornell University; Economic Policy Institute; Greenpeace; International Rescue Committee; Open Society Institute; Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health; Union of Concerned Scientists; and United Nations Population Fund.


    Again, please RSVP as soon as possible. This should be a great event for those of you who are looking to become more comfortable and confident in front of audiences of any size.


    We look forward to seeing you there!